Question: Is putting on Kohl (Surma/Kajal) halal or haram for women? All praises are due to Allah, and salutation and blessing is upon the messenger of Allah, his family and […]
Simple test to check Ithmid Kohl Authencicity
This simple and DIY test can be used by anybody to help determine if a product is genuine Ithmid kohl. All what is needed for it is a piece of […]
K. S. A: Popular Kohl Brands Found To Be Unsafe
The Saudi Food and Drugs Agency has carried out tests on 9 Ithmid Kohl samples from some of the most popular and widely distributed brands. In a press release on […]
History of Ithmid Kohl and the story of al-Zarqaa’a
Ithmid Kohl was known amongst the Arabs in pre-Islamic Jahiliyah times for its benefits for eyes and vision. There is a widely circulated and infamous story from this era highlighting […]
Benefits of Ithmid Surma/Kajal for the eyes
The especial Ithmid Surma/Kajal is the best type of Surma/Kajal to be used for the eyes. This is because it has been personally used and praised by prophet Muhammad (صلى […]
Kohl can be harmfull but not genuine Ithmid (antimony) kohl
Kohl in Arabic is anything that is applied to the eye and/or its surroundings such as the eyelashes and eyebrows. Under this broader meaning, modern eyeliner and mascara products can […]
Ithmid (antimony) Kohl : Beauty on a different level
Ithmid (antimony) kohl is recommended by the prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم for its eye health benefits. It is often the case that when the prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم […]
Ithmid (antimony) Kohl : what is it and why it is special ?
If you have never heard of Ithmid (antimony) Kohl, then reading this article aims to introduce you to Ithmid (antimony) kohl to you, making understand what it is and why […]
A look at Hadith : Is Kohl really a Sunnah ?
As discussed previously , it is observed that Hadiths found within the Sunnah refer specifically to one type of Kohl: Ithmid Kohl. Since the word Kohl refers to , in […]
Clearing misconceptions about Kohl
What image comes to your mind as the word Kohl is mentioned? And how do you feel about it? Except those who have good understanding of the concept of Kohl […]